AKCH AGM – 11am, 18th January 2025, Kilchrenan Village Hall

AKCH AGM will be held at 11am on 18th January in Kilchrenan Village Hall.


  1. Welcome and Introductions
  2. Presentation from DTAS – Who are DTAS and what is a SCIO/Development Trust
  3. Chair’s Report
  4. Financial Report- Receipt of Accounts
  5. Resolution to adjust membership Fee
  1. Company Secretary Report
  2. Election of Trustees
  3. Community Action Plan – Update
  4. Business Plan – Update
  5. Any other Competent Business – please advise 48 hours before the AGM by contacting cosec@akcheritables.co.uk

If you wish to be nominated to stand as a trustee, please complete the attached nomination form, ensuring that you have the support of two members of the organisation.

If you wish to nominate a proxy to attend the meeting and vote on your behalf please do so using the attached form.

A proxy does not need to be a member but each proxy can only represent a maximum of two members.

Nomination forms must be received before 11/01/25; proxy voting forms must be received before 16/01/25AKCH Board Report and Accounts 2024 Final AKCH Proxy Form 2024

The final agenda, list of nominees, and the business plan headlines will be issued no later than 12/01/25

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Regular drop-in engagement session on key topics – first sessions April’24.

Quarterly Update Letters – first edition published June’24, distributed door to door, via email and Facebook.

Website Latest News – Board Meeting Minutes, Community Events, Funding Support Outcomes will all be posted.

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